Thirty Days of Bible Study for Busy Mamas: A Review

 *I was blessed to receive a copy of this book from Doorposts through for review. All of the thoughts and opinions expressed in this review were my own. I would never recommend a product I didn’t love and use for my own family. This post contains affiliate links which means I will make a small commission on any sales made through them. I truly appreciate and am blessed when you use them. Thank you!

How many times have you heard a mom of young children say “I just don’t have time to study my Bible right now… I am TOO busy!”. Well, Pam Forster has solved that problem for you with her new book Thirty Days of Bible Study for Busy Mamas: Colossians 3. She will get you further into the Bible than you ever imagined possible…and all in just 5 minutes a day! I can honestly say I have never had a deeper Bible study than I have had with this book. It is so well written and easy to read…anyone can do it!

During the month or so you spend reading Thirty Days of Bible Study for Busy Mamas you will discover different ways of studying Bible passages. Some days involve reading and highlighting,  note-taking, memorizing, word studies, connecting different passages, and so many more! She makes it so easy for even the busiest of moms to accomplish some quiet time with the Lord.

This book also introduced me to a Bible study technique I have put off for years…Bible marking. I never wanted to mark in my Bible since I was worried it would just look like random markings. But Pam explains not only how to do it with Colossians 3, but how to make it work for your entire Bible! I am so excited to follow her plan and start really diving into the Bible in ways I have never tried before.

I have always been a big fan of all of Doorpost’s products, and this is no exception. So if you think that you are one of those moms that just doesn’t have the time to study your Bible, I challenge you to try this book. I think you will be surprise at how much studying can actually be done in just 5 minutes a day!