What’s On My Summer Reading List

What's On My Summer Reading List

Even thought we do school year-round, I try to make things a little bit easier and a little bit more fun for the summer. I like to use the summer time to catch up on some reading, because what’s better than spending some time in the sunshine with a good book! Here are a few things that I plan to read this summer.

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I really need to spend more time reading my new Bible. I have a 90 day plan to read through the New Testament during the summer months.

I also have another parenting book I need to read because I have heard great things about it… The Christian Parenting Handbook.My dear friend, Sanz, over at From the Mrs. (she has a great blog- you should go check it out!), has suggested some great books that I am adding to my reading list. The first one is all about living with less…7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess.

The other is a book Sanz said is now her favorite parenting book and it gets fabulous reviews…Mitten Strings for God: Reflections for Mothers in a Hurry

Since we are moving our homeschool in more of a Charlotte Mason direction, I will be spending some time reading all about her philosophy and how to implement it. I hope to read at least volumes 1 and 6 of her Original Homeschooling Series.

I also have a few other books about the Charlotte Mason method to read. One is the A Charlotte Mason Companion.

And the other book is the Charlotte Mason Study Guide.

Well, that should take me through the summer! What is on your summer reading list?