A Little Update…

It’s so good to be back to blogging!

Since I decided to abruptly jump back into the blogging world, I figured I could at least update you all on how we are and how we’ve grown!

We just finished birthday season at our house, and all of these crazy kids are now a year older. Our oldest is now 14 (8th grade), our daughter is 12 (6th grade), our middle boy is 9 (3rd grade), and our little baby is now 7 (1st grade). Sigh. Whoever said the little years would fly by was completely correct. Before I know it we’ll be teaching driving and visiting colleges.





We are still homeschooling and having a great year! I can’t wait to share with you more about what we are doing and how I am dealing with schooling all four children. I’m so thankful that we seem to have found our sweet spot with homeschooling.

Not only have the kids grown, but so had the number of furry children we have in our house. We still have our sweet lab mix who is such a wonderfully low maintenance dog. She loves cuddling up with anyone who will allow it and she is such a great helper with our other dog.


My husband has always dreamed of being a K-9 officer. Several years ago, we thought that dream was about to come true…until it didn’t. He passed all of the tests but lost out to another officer who had more seniority in the department than him. So his consolation prize was a German Shepherd puppy we brought home at 5 pounds (and is now close to 90 pounds!). This dog is so full of life and could calm anyone’s fear of German Shepherds (including my own!). He is truly a gentle giant and I believe he was sent to our family to prepare us for the next adventure in our life. He can often be found either playing with our other dog or sneaking away with my slippers (I may or may not have gone through 6 pair of slippers in the past two years).


When our Shepherd was about 2 years old, a K-9 spot opened up at the department again. We weren’t expecting it, but knew my husband had to try for it again. Well, this time he got it! So we now have 3 dogs and 4 kids in our 3 bedroom house. This K-9 is the absolute sweetest dog you could ever meet…except she hates our other dogs. So our days involve a lot of shuffling around of dogs when she isn’t at work. But she gives me such peace of mind knowing that she would do anything in the world to protect my husband at work. I will gladly deal with the minor inconveniences for that!


So here I am, back to blogging again! I’m so excited to once again begin sharing all of the craziness of our lives. I looked back one day at all of the pictures from my previous blogging and felt an ache in my heart that I didn’t have those wonderful documented memories from the past few years. I haven’t quite decided specifically all I am going to do with blogging, but if all I end up with are posts of watching my family grow, then it will be well worth it!

Thanks for joining me once again on the journey!