31 Proverbs to Light Your Path {a book review}


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One of my goals in my spiritual life is to take Scripture and make it alive by living out what I read. The book of Proverbs has always been my favorite book for advice and teaching, so when I saw one of my favorite authors, Liz Curtis Higgs was writing a book about Proverbs, I just knew it would be a good option to add to my reading list.

Each of the 31 chapters in 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path covers a different lesson in a passage taken from Proverbs. The Proverb is listed at the beginning and is followed by a lesson from Liz on how to apply the teaching from the Proverb, and also what she has learned from it in her life. Each chapter closes with a prayer and a section called “One Minute, One Step”. This section is my favorite and gives the reader a way to apply what they have learned that chapter. None of the activities are long or difficult, but they really bring home the meaning behind the teaching in Proverbs.

Liz is one of my favorite authors because of her authentic and conversational writing style. She shares some raw and personal stories that really made me feel as if she had a heart-felt desire to teach, inspire, and encourage me as the reader. By sharing her stories she makes it known that she isn’t speaking from a pulpit of perfection, but also struggles with sin on a daily basis just like the rest of us.

This book made a perfect addition to my morning quiet time. The chapters are short and sweet, but are packed with so much goodness. You can take a whole month to go through the 31 chapters of this book and savor it’s lessons. Reading one chapter per day will allow you plenty of time to do the “One Minute, One Step” section. The book also includes a study guide in the back to dig even deeper into Scripture.

I would highly recommend this book to any busy woman who needs a concise book that digs deep into the Word of God and gives practical ways to live it out. I’ll leave you with some of my favorite quotes from the book that made their way into my own commonplace notebook.

“If you’re looking for dos and don’ts, Proverbs has plenty to offer. But the deeper truth it contains is wisdom.” (p. 3)

“…these three lessons I learned about being humble instead of prideful: Ask for assistance when it’s needed. Accept help when it’s offered. And thank God for small miracles.” (p. 36)

“Rather than charging ahead, we can study the Scriptures and pray until He makes the way clear. As Jesus told His disciples, ‘The seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.’ It’s the persevering part that’s often the hardest, yet it’s also the most important. By waiting we learn patience. By praying we discover peace. Who doesn’t need more of both?” (p. 48)

“When His Word is in our hearts, it’s bound to infuse the words we speak to one another. Heaviness gives way to lightness. Discord dissolves into peace.” (p. 93)

“It is Christ in us, the hope of glory, that makes us truly beautiful to ourselves, to others, and to God. Our calling is to live and love for Christ. Today. Right now.” (p. 124)

“God is in control whether we acknowledge His sovereignty or not. We do not make Him Lord. He is Lord. The moment we accept that reality, the very second we bend our hearts and knees to His power and might, we find our loving God has already taken us by the hand and is leading us in the right direction.” (p. 174)

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